Thursday, April 29, 2004

She is home again, but...

She will need to return on Wednesday for another procedure on Thursday.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Still in the dark...

Miriam's retina was torn and ripped so they repaired it and placed a gas bubble around the eye. If this was the only problem she would have a 85% chance of regaining full vision.

Miriam Has been in surgery 6 hours...

And I still no nothing. Apparently there was a lot of damage to the retina and maybe to the optical nerve.

Miriam may have lost part of her vision in that eye - PRAY THIS IS NOT THE CASE!

I am waiting on Jennie to call now with more.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Jennie and Miriam are once again in Iowa City

They met with the Doctor today and a retina specialist that will be on had tomorrow during Miriam's surgery to perform a retina transplant if needed.

This weekend (while they where home) Miriam was in good spirits when ever her medicine was working. She tired quickly and when the medicine wares off she gets a BAD headache from the swelling of the eye.

The hardest part is that she has to have 3 different drops (one cost $100 a bottle!) every 12 hours and she absolutely does not like having them put in.

Depending on how the surgery goes tomorrow we are expecting them back home no later than Thursday evening. However, if a retina transplant is needed it will have to be done in two parts which means they may need to be there a week longer.

Jennies parents will be here on Wednesday to help out (thank God) and I have returned to work utilizing babysitters for Noah during the day until the In-Laws arrive.

Our specific prayer is that all goes well tomorrow and no major surgeries are needed. Pray that her retina and cornea are undamaged and in working order.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

She is home, but...

Miriam and Jennie came home with me yesterday and it is good to have them home. They must return on Monday for an appointment and for another surgery on Tuesday. Miriam had an ultrasound while I was there on Wednesday - we don't know for sure, but the Dr. who did the ultrasound seems to think that the stick did not damage the cornea - the surgery on Tuesday will tell us for sure.

We know that even the best case presents us with months of recovery and even a stint of having to where a patch over her good eye to force the healing eye to heal.

Please pray that the cornea is not damaged and that Miriam's sight will not be effected.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I am heading up there

Tomorrow (Wednesday) the Doctors want to meet with us to have a dialog about further surgeries and the future of Miriam's eye. I have decided to join Jennie in Iowa City during this meeting to provide strength and support as well as ascertain what needs to happen in the next few months to a year.

I will be leaving early tomorrow morning and will leave the boys here with Amber - I plan to return as late as Thursday morning if not earlier.

We know that Miriam needs more procedures and she will need to be in Iowa City many times in the coming months or longer. We are in this for the long haul and appreciate your prayers.

This thought came in an email from Jennie's mom about how they are doing:

"She (Jennie) wants you to be there with her so you can hold her and support her when Miriam gets so very angry with her for having to put in the drops."

From what Jennie tells me the drops hurt and have to be put in the right spot or they cause a reaction that is not very comfortable for Miriam.

Everyone continues to offer support and we are thankful - we just don't know what we need right now because everything is so up in the air. I hope to have more info tommorow.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Waiting on the doctors

Jennie will be in the Quad Cities until at least Wednesday when she meets with the doctors in Iowa City. The two specialists now want to sit down to talk over the situation and option for surgery with Jenny before proceeding with more.
Miriam has had a bit of an off day today, she is complaining about her eye bothering her. Tonight she seems to have perked up a bit, I think she was just missing her Auntie Cyndi while I was at work.

Cheryl (Jennie's Mom) did head back to Washington this morning, my mom and dad (Jennie's Grandma and Grandpa) kept Jennie and Miriam company this afternoon.

====End of email====

For those who are reading this we need prayer for our financial ability to handle this situation. The antibiotics for her eye (which she has to have, because if she catches an infection she loses the eye) cost $55. Thankfully Jennie has family to be with but we can't mooch of them forever so God is going to need to provide for us a way to get the medical attention Miriam needs and live 5 hours away from where it is provided.

Everything is so up in the air

We are going through a really tough time right now as we have no idea what, when or how the next 90 days is going to call for.

The stress is starting to kick in and both Jennie and I are feeling tired and a little depressed.

Miriam needs multiple procedures, all of which require her to be sedated meaning that a time-line is almost impossible for us to plan for.

Jennie is still 6 hours away - the boys and I are still here and the demands of family, work and church still need to be taken care of.

At this point the fate of Miriam's eye is fully in the hands of God- I am confident in His healing ability and the wonder of His creation; even if she were to lose her sight in one eye I am confident the handiwork of God would prevail and compensate.

At this point we are still believing that her sight has not been effected.

Keep praying - we need it.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

She is out of the hospital

Miriam was checked out today. She is now staying with Jennie at her aunt Cindy's.
She is opening her eye and in good spirits she may have another surgery on Tuesday we will know more later.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Miriam Feeling a little down

Miriam woke up feeling a little depressed today. She told her mom - I never get to go home and was curled up in a ball crying.
A visit with a counselor and a little play time later she was feeling a little chipper.

The doctor is telling Jennie that Miriam may need to stay longer than just the weekend. Her eye is clouding up (which is a good sign because it means that it is healing) but they will need to remove the clouding before they can do operate on the hemorrhage.

We have decided that Miriam's eye is worth Jennie staying there with her for as long is necessary.

Continue to pray.

How Miriam Hurt Her Eye

On Wednesday, April 14th Miriam was in the backyard playing when she picked up a piece of an old yardstick (wooden) and broke it. A piece of the stick flew up and hit her in the eye.

Jennie called me at work and said something was wrong, we quickly rushed Miriam to the hospital where the gave her emergency surgery to stitch up her eye. It seems as though a piece of the stick punctured her eye causing the Iris to stick through the lens, a cataract to form an the back of the eye to hemorrhage.

The Doctor informed us that Miriam would need to go to the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa to have another surgery to remove the cataract.

Amber drove Jennie and Miriam to Iowa City on Thursday for what we thought at the time would be a day surgery. This is when we found out it was much more serious and that Miriam would need to stay a while.

So Amber returned home and Jennie's mom flew out on Friday night to be with them. Thankfully, Jennies Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt live only 45 minutes away from Iowa City and have been there with her every day.Saturday, April 17th, 2004 at 09:44 AM - By: Dad