Now I am actually voting against Obama rather than for John McCain; which is probably a perfectly bad reason to vote as well. However, the sheer stupidity of this statement has made me reflect on why we vote and the importance of making a well informed decision.
John Quincy Adams once said: “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”
So I asked myself: what are my principles?
After much thought I have come up with I feel are my unwavering core political values; it is with these in had that I will go to the polls on November 4th.
- Sanctity of Life: I believe that human life at all stages should be valued and protected.
- Tax Reform: we need a new system. I tend to think this is an awesome idea: APT Tax
- The Budget: Cut the fat and live with-in our means.
- Energy Independence / Innovation: Nuclear power in every state. Wind, Solar, and other alternatives are nice; invest in next generation tech with a flood of money to schools for math and science.
- Education Reform: Focus on promoting math, science and technology. Make college free for anyone who serves four years in the military or in other civil service. I actually would support mandatory civil service of every citizen for a minimum of two years.
This post is in progress…~