Thursday, September 1, 2005

Church Marketing Sucks Feature

Church Marketing Sucks Feature

Free Gas for First Time Church Visitors

(Filed under: Promotion)

With gas approaching $3 per gallon (I just paid $2.99 in St. Paul, Minn.) Clearview Community Church in Sioux City, Iowa is offering free gas to get visitors in the door. They sent us a press release yesterday detailing the event: First time visitors get vouchers good for three gallons of gas along with a free Bible and a CD during the month of September.

"We are so confident that our worship service will be the best hour of your week," says Pastor Shawn Raloff, "that we are willing to pay for your gas to get here and back. ...

"During hard times church is the first place we need to be," Pastor Shawn explains, "we want people to know that the economy may rise and fall, but God's love remains the same."

Raloff tells me it's a work in progress, but it's an interesting idea. The press release was a good thought (hey, we talked about it)—hopefully the local media will pick up on it and give the church some free publicity. They're also spreading the word about free gas with signs around town, fliers at gas stations and handing out business cards to anyone who talks about gas prices.

Saving on Gas
For the rest of us who don't live near a church doling out free gas, I'd recommend taking a look at Steve Knight's Top 25 Ways to Save at the Pump.

On an unrelated note, I thought the best part of the press release, hands-down, was this line:

The 10:30 a.m. service at Clearview is casual (no ties allowed) and is a blend between an Eagles concert and the freedom speech in Braveheart.

I just envision William Wallace swinging that massive sword at anyone who dare come in wearing a necktie. With "Hotel California" playing in the background.

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